- About Luft
2014年から、真喜志と桶田は拠点を沖縄に移し、2020年、沖縄にLuft shopをオープン。
Co-founded in 2005 by Satoko Takeshima and Nami Makishi. In 2012, Chikako Okeda joined. Since 2014, Makishi and Okeda had moved their base to Okinawa and opened Luft_shop in Okinawa in 2020. In 2024, Satoko Takeshima has passed away, and Makishi and Okeda carry on her legacy.
事務所名 「Luft (ルフト)」は、ドイツ語で「空気」を意味する。空間や物の中に、新鮮な空気、余白、間を持たせることをモットーとし、空間、家具、プロダクトまで、多岐にわたるデザインを展開している。
The office name “Luft” means “air” in German. Their motto is to create fresh air, blank space, and space in spaces and objects, and they develops a wide variety of designs, including spaces, furniture, and products.
- Profile
真喜志 奈美 Nami Makishi
1966年沖縄県生まれ。武蔵野美術大学工芸工業デザイン科卒。ベルリン国立芸術大学大学院彫刻科、ソウルでのデザイン事務所勤務を経て、1999年にソウルにてデザイン事務所設立。2003年に帰国し、国内外で空間デザインを手がけている。主なプロダクトデザインの仕事に、LAUAN SHELVES、日本スエーデンのENVELOPEシリーズがある。2014年に拠点を沖縄に移して以降、沖縄の作り手との共同開発にも取り組んでいる。
Born in Okinawa Prefecture in 1966. Graduated from Musashino Art University, Department of Industrial Design. After studying at the Graduate School of Sculpture at the Berlin University of Arts and working at a design office in Seoul, she established her own design office in Seoul in 1999. Since returning to Japan in 2003, she has been working on space designs both domestically and internationally. Her main product design work includes ENVELOPE series for NIHON SWEDEN and LAUAN SHELVES. Since moving her base to Okinawa in 2014, she has been working on joint product developments with creators in Okinawa.
桶田 千夏子 Chikako Okeda
1977年東京都生まれ。慶應義塾大学法学部法律学科卒。大学で法律を学んだ後、料理の道に転身。2010年清澄白河(東京)に山食堂創立。2012年より、真喜志と共に家具・空間・プロダクトのデザインに携わる。主なプロダクトデザインの仕事に、木村硝子店の Table Soy Sauce、Erdeシリーズがある。日々料理をしながら「暮らしに必要な物」を見つめ直し、デザインの仕事に取り組んでいる。
Born in Tokyo in 1977. Graduated from Keio University Faculty of Law, Department of Law. After studying law at university, she turned to cooking. In 2010 she established Yama Shokudo in Kiyosumi Shirakawa (Tokyo). Since 2012, she has involved to design together with Makishi, they have been developing furniture, spaces and products. Her main product design work includes Table Soy Sauce for Kimura Glass and Erde series. While cooking every day, she looks at the things to need for daily life and has keeping to work on design.